#261 – Grimerica Talks Real Life Super Heroes with The Urban Avenger and Nadia Fezzani

Interview Starts 35:10
Nadia Fezzani and The Urban Avenger join us to chat about Real Life Super Hero’s. Nadia tells us about how her history of studying and writing about criminology lead to hanging our with and writing about Real Life Super Hero’s. We chat about her real experience on the streets with Urban Avenger and his team of Hero’s, what it takes to be a real hero, how we pick names, and their ‘gimmicks’.
We also chat about some of the other Super Hero’s in North America, how cosplay affects this movement, the transience of people who try, the reasons they may try, real life trolls, and the relationship with the community and the cops?
In the intro we are just talking crap, we share some listener feedback and Graham shares the UFO quote of the week. This podcast was recording on video and you can see it without the intro at the link below:
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Check out this episode!

#262 – Grimerica Gralien Cruzin with Steak FTK Christmas Fandango 2017
December 30, 2017
#263 – Grimerica Talks Duplessis Orphans, Net Neutrality, and more with Cat from The Truth Factory
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