#684 – Daniel Bourke – Apparitions at the Moment of Death

#683 – Vish Chatterji – Astrology Decoded: The Secret Science of India’s Sages
November 25, 2024
Interview starts at 39:20
Daniel Bourke joins us for a great chat about his important work on Crisis Apparitions, the history, the many accounts, how it has or hasn’t shaped our society, and the parameters of the definition. We chat about his book coming out tomorrow “Apparitions at the Moment of Death – The Living Ghost In Legend, Lyric and Lore” and his other books that he is working on.
We also chat about Distant Deaths, NDE’s, anomalistic psychology, parapsychology, auditory hallucinations, the other side, the Oracles, ancient wisdom, the Messengers, Deja Revay, healing temples, shared dreams, Life Tokens, Sagas, Saints and meditation and prayer.
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