#657 – Adam Young – Precise Ancient Artifacts – Cosmic Summit

#656 – Analog, The Archivist – Ancient America and the 20th Century Reset
May 20, 2024
#658 – Malcolm Bendall and Jordan Collin – Alchemical Science – Thunderstorm Generator
June 3, 2024
Interview starts at 26:35
Adam Young joins us to chat about his research into the granite vases from Egypt. We chat about some of the new tech that helps the process, the mainstream narrative on the vases, Saqqara, the radial transversal patterns, resonant frequencies, the accuracy, modern comparisons, and Imhotep and Djoser.
In the intro we chat about our trips… The one this fall in Invermere, the two we are going to in June 14, The Tychos Model Presentation and Cosmic Summit. See ya there.
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Felix’s Site sirfelix.bandcamp.com – Should I